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Deno Deploy

Deno Deploy is a serverless hosting platform for Deno applications. It allows you to deploy your bot without managing servers or infrastructure. This guide shows you how to deploy your BotKit bot to Deno Deploy.


  1. Create a Deno Deploy account

  2. Install the Deno CLI if you haven't already

  3. Install deployctl:

    deno install -gArf jsr:@deno/deployctl
  4. Install the Fedify package to your bot project:

    deno add jsr:@fedify/fedify
  5. Configure your bot to use Deno KV for storage and message queue:

    import { createBot } from "@fedify/botkit";
    import { DenoKvMessageQueue, DenoKvStore } from "@fedify/fedify/x/deno";
    const kv = await Deno.openKv();
    const bot = createBot<void>({
      username: "mybot",
      kv: new DenoKvStore(kv),
      queue: new DenoKvMessageQueue(kv),
      // ... other configuration

Deploying your bot

  1. Navigate to your project directory

  2. Deploy your bot:

    deployctl deploy

    On the first deployment, deployctl will:

    • Guess the project name from your Git repo or directory name
    • Create the project automatically if it doesn't exist
    • Look for common entrypoint files like main.ts or src/main.ts

    You can also specify these explicitly:

    deployctl deploy --project=mybot --entrypoint=bot.ts
  3. Set up your custom domain in the Deno Deploy dashboard (optional)

Environment variables

You can set environment variables in multiple ways:

  • During deployment using the --env flag:

    deployctl deploy
  • Using an environment file:

    deployctl deploy --env-file=.env
  • Or configure them in the Deno Deploy dashboard for project-wide settings

Common variables include:

  • SERVER_NAME: Your bot's domain (e.g.,
  • Other bot-specific configuration variables