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Here are some examples of how to use BotKit.

Greeting bot

The following example shows how to publish messages in various ways using BotKit. The bot performs the following actions:

  • Sends a direct message with an image attachment when someone follows the bot.
  • Sends a direct message when someone unfollows the bot.
  • Replies to it when someone replies to a message from the bot.
  • Replies to it when someone mentions the bot.
  • Publishes a greeting message every minute.
  • Deletes the greeting message after 30 seconds.
import { createBot, hashtag, Image, link, mention, text } from "@fedify/botkit";
import { DenoKvMessageQueue, DenoKvStore } from "@fedify/fedify/x/denokv";

const kv = await Deno.openKv();

const bot = createBot<void>({
  username: "greetbot",
  name: "Greet Bot",
  summary: text`Hi, there! I'm a simple fediverse bot created by ${
  icon: new URL(
  properties: {
    "Source code": link(
    "Powered by": link("BotKit", ""),
  kv: new DenoKvStore(kv),
  queue: new DenoKvMessageQueue(kv),
  behindProxy: true,
  pages: { color: "green" },

bot.onFollow = async (session, followRequest) => {
  await session.publish(
    text`Thanks for following me, ${followRequest.follower}!`,
      visibility: "direct",
      attachments: [
        new Image({
          mediaType: "image/png",
          url: new URL(
          name: "BotKit logo",
          width: 1280,
          height: 640,

bot.onUnfollow = async (session, follower) => {
  await session.publish(text`Goodbye, ${follower}!`, {
    visibility: "direct",

bot.onReply = async (session, message) => {
  const botUri = session.actorId.href;
  if (message.mentions.some((a) => === botUri)) return;
  await message.reply(text`Thanks for your reply, ${}!`);

bot.onMention = async (_session, message) => {
  await message.reply(text`Hi, ${}!`);

const session = bot.getSession(Deno.env.get("ORIGIN") ?? "http://localhost");
setInterval(async () => {
  const message = await session.publish(
    text`Hi, folks! It's a minutely greeting. It will be deleted in 30 seconds.  ${
  setTimeout(async () => {
    await message.delete();
  }, 1000 * 30);
}, 1000 * 60);

export default bot;

// cSpell: ignore greetbot


FediChatBot is an LLM-powered chatbot for fediverse, of course, built on top of BotKit. It consists of about 350 lines of code, and it's a good example of how to build a chatbot with BotKit. You can find the source code at:

If you want to try FediChatBot, follow on your fediverse instance. You can mention it or send a direct message to it.